May 21, 2024
Overnight cherry oats

At the end of 2016th we were sitting with Tomasz at home and he told me that his company takes all the employees to Buenos Aires for a month, but he will only go for a week or two, because he does not want to leave me and Mia for long. Unfortunately, I did not hear the second part of this sentence, as in my mind, I already pictured me and Mia sitting on a beach in New Zealand with a cup of warm cocoa. As a good wife, I told him that he should go for a whole period because I won’t be in Berlin anyway. I usually have a clear picture of what I’d like to do in my head and I totally pictured myself in a T2 Volkswagen. In February I was there, driving Miss Sunshine and enjoying each day. I had a crisis once, but I figured out that it’s because I’ve decided to do far too much when Mia was sleeping (working on pictures, blog posts, writing and of course cooking). I like to think of myself as a smart woman, so start from the same evening I fell asleep with Mia and woke up at 6 am. I had such an amazing time, that when I came back to Berlin I hugged Tomasz and I wanted to go back to my van life. Mean time work and reality catch up with me and I forgot about all these feelings for about a month. Then my friend sent me a good book where a smart man said that we should do what we really want to do. It does not take long for me to make up my mind about something. That’s why I called Tomasz straight away and I told him that I am buying a camper van and Me and Mia will be driving around Europe. The thing about Tomasz is that he’s pretty awesome (after 11 years of marriage, I like him a lot) and he said sure, I’ll help you to find one but I want to join from time to time. How cool is this!

Now some facts about the whole process. Finding a van is not a piece of cake, I could even write that it’s a bi….. At least one that I like, want to buy, have a special feeling when I enter it plus one that I can afford is not so easy to find. We saw many and many of them were a few hours drive away from Berlin. At some point I wanted to give up and rent a van, but it is way too pricy since the idea is to travel for 4 months. There were ups and downs and then one day Tomasz wrote me that he actually found an interesting one and we’re going there on Monday. That was it. I entered this old, not cool at all camper van and I felt big love straight away. We got it and in my heart, I was ready to hit the road within the next 3 days. But there are things you need to take care of like insurance, registration (which takes about 2 weeks during a season) and of course preparation of the car. I was supposed to leave last Friday, but I need to wait a bit longer.

Meantime, I spent a lovely day with the best friend ever who came over just to help me clean the car. It took hours, we washed even walls, but thanks to this, Mia will be able to eat from a floor, which unfortunately happens from time to time. There are other things that turned out that will take time – solar battery that will let Tomasz work from a van. yes, this is another change, Tomasz will join us at the beginning! We need to change tires as apparently you shouldn’t go for a 15000 km drive on 11 years old ones. I’ve also decided to change pillow cover, as a crazy mix of pink and violet is not my favourite one. And then all the others obligatory things we need to do like getting ukulele and learning how to play and deciding where to go. The first plan was Scandinavia, but meantime I decided that I really need sun, sand and water. So we’re going to Portugal first!!! And then to Scandinavia. Now I am thinking about learning how to surf…

Overnight cherry oats
The Recipe


  • 1 cup of cherries, without seeds
  • ½ apple
  • 1 cup oats
  • 1 cup almond milk
  • 1 tbsp chia seeds
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • juice and skin from ½ lemon
Place cherries without seeds, apple and milk to blender and blend well.

In a medium bowl place oats, add blended fruits and mix well. Add chia seeds, honey, lemon juice and skin and mix again.

Place it in a fridge for at least 2 hours or overnight.

Serve with fruits, mint, nuts and yogurt.

Best, Marta

Overnight cherry oats

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